Bethlehem Lutheran Church Officers and Administrative Committees

July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2026


Executive Director - Jason Hackbarth

Assistant Executive Directors - David Ames, Bob Irish, Ben Nickel

Treasurers - Mark Steffen, Mike Gries

Purchasing Agent - ****


Assimilation - Jim Leibham & Jon Irish - This board assists visitors and other interested people interested in becoming members of the congregation.  They help new members become connected with the congregation as a whole and develop their spiritual gifts.  The board sponsors events that encourage fellowship of all members.    

Christian Day School - Kirsten Lemus - The board is to plan and administer the Christian day school educational program of the congregation, to determine policies, to select personnel to provide the necessary means and facilities.  They work in conjunction with the principal to direct and supervise Bethlehem Lutheran School.  

Church Properties - Bob Irish - This board is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the church property and represents the congregation in all legal matters.  

Elders - Matt Wheelan - The elders of Bethlehem Lutheran Church are here to support the spiritual welfare of the pastors and congregational members individually and collectively.  They oversee everything pertaining to congregational worship.

Evangelism - Ellen Vanic - This board brings the Gospel to the unchurched.  They work with the congregation to spread the good news to the Sheboygan community outside of the Bethlehem campus.  

Parish EducationDustin Stielow - The board plans and administers the educational program of the congregation outside of the area of the Board of Christian Day School such as Sunday School, VBS, Bible Studies and other educational groups. 

Parish Fellowship - **** - This board serves to strengthen fellowship, both spiritually and socially, between congregational members.  They help organize and serve at large gatherings of the congregation.  This board is looking for those who like to cook, bake and serve. 

Public Relations - Kelli Grasse - This board works at making the presentation to the community of a Christian image which reflects the work of the congregation through various channels.  (The Visitor newsletter and website) 

Social Ministry - Melinda Oetzel - This board plans and administers the Social Ministry program of the congregation.  This group works mainly with shut-ins/homebound members of the congregation. This group also works with helping the community on various social projects and events.

Stewardship - Bob Zimbal - This board initiates programs for the development of good stewardship attitudes in the members of the congregation in regard to time, talent and treasures.  These gifts are then utilized to ensure the financial stability of the congregation and its work through a developed program.

Young People's Work - **** - This board focuses on running the youth program of the congregation with youth in grades 6th to 12th.